Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year....

Hope you had a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year.... Did Santa bring you something good???? Did you do something exciting on NYE????

The Christmas/New Year period was busy as usual....

* Xmas Eve- Spent with my family at my Brother's House... My Dad, mum and sister were flying out christmas day for Europe so it was good to spend some time with them before they left.
* Xmas Day- With Dean's family His family have a big get together with all the xtended family that can make it. Great day but left early as I wasn't feeling well.
*Boxing Day- Down to Frankston to visit Dean's sister and other family who couldn't make it the day before
*Day after Boxing Day- Visited Dean's Nana in Sorrento. Then went to the Dromana Drive In that night!!!! How fun are drive ins????? We saw Enchanted (was OK probably had too high expectations).
*Worked NYE and then went home to have a carpet picnic with Dean on the hottest NYE ever (42 degrees).

So What did Santa bring me???
- My Engagement Ring (YAY!!!!!) Will upload a photo soon
- The Enchanted Dollhouse Theatre Book
- The Enchanted Dollhouse Theatre Masks Book
- Some Lush Goodies
- A Felt Wedding (you know the kiddie's toy where you make a scene out of felt cutouts)
- JB Vouchers
- Movie Hamper
- Money (which we put towards a LCD TV!!!!)

and for myself I bought this baby....

Made Dean a christmas pressie with it... a calendar with piccys from our trip to go on our fridge so we can re-live a different city from our trip every month!!!

I'll upload the piccys from that as I know some of you would like to see some more from our trip!!!!

Hope this year is full of health and happiness for you and thanks for stopping by... look forward to catching up with you soon!!!!

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